Don’t forget to winterize your Sprinkler System!
When temperatures fall below 25 degrees at night, any water left in your sprinkler system can freeze, causing the pipes to burst. Burst pipes can lead to other problems including flooded lawns, flooded basements, damage to landscaping; damage to neighbor’s lawn, and even costly repairs.
It doesn’t matter if the pipes are made of PVC or a more flexible material like polyethylene; customers who don’t winterize their irrigation systems run the risk of having busted pipes and spending a lot of time and money to have them repaired. It would make more sense to pay a company a modest sum to winterize, than to pay a large fee in repair costs.
Therefore, if you have newcomers on your customer list, or are even just aware of someone who moved in from a warm weather state, you can be proactive. Those folks may just assume that because the piping, backflow preventer and valves are insulated above ground, all they need to do is shut off the water supply and switch off the system’s controller. You know how wrong that is— as soon as frost alerts start popping up on weather reports, it’s time for them to get winterized.